Blocks & Urbans of Mayurbhanj

Mayurbhanj is a district in the Odisha State of India. Total area of Mayurbhanj is 10,418 km² including 10,309.93 km² rural area and 108.07 km² urban area.Mayurbhanj has a population of 25,19,738 peoples.There are 5,86,253 houses in the district. The Mayurbhanj district is further divided in to Blocks/Tehsils for administrative purposes which you can browse from tehsils list below.

List of Tehsils in Mayurbhanj

Population of Mayurbhanj

Population Type Male Population Female Population >Total Population
Rural 11,57,576 11,69,266 23,26,842
Urban 98,637 94,259 1,92,896
Total 12,56,213 12,63,525 25,19,738

Households in Mayurbhanj

Rural Households Urban Households Total Households
5,42,726 43,527 5,86,253
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